Autonomous Remote Sensing And Surveying
In civil engineering, drones equipped with remote sensing capabilities have become indispensable tools for gathering valuable data. These flying wonders can effortlessly survey vast areas, map out terrain, and even monitor infrastructure health with their high-resolution cameras and sensors. By employing drones, engineers can gather precise information to make informed decisions, streamline project management, and ensure the safety of structures. In short, drones have revolutionized the way civil engineers approach their work, making it more efficient and effective.
ARAS is a student run club advised by Professor Ali Mehran at San Jose State University, San Jose. ARAS is an undergraduate oriented research club led by Prof. Ali Mehran. The main research interest is UAV remote sensing, modeling physically based hydrological processes and statistical approaches with multi scale remote sensing products to address water resources issues arising from climatic changes, land cover / land use changes, and water allocation. While much of our work is at regional, continental, and global scales, we also have modeling and prediction interests at the small watershed scale with application of UAVs. This website contains information about the latest courses developed at SJSU, research interests of group as well as recent publications, the models we use (including some documentation and contact information for source codes), some of the data sets produced by the group, and links to data sets and processing software that we use in our modeling. In addition to publications, the presentations area of this website includes most of the presentations (oral and poster) given by members of the group from about 2019 on.
Application of UAV/UAS, Sensors in civil engineering
Autonomous UAS s equipped with sensors have revolutionized the inspection process in various industries. These advanced flying robots are capable of conducting detailed and efficient inspections without human intervention. Equipped with high-resolution cameras, thermal imaging sensors, and LiDAR technology, they can detect defects, capture precise data, and generate comprehensive reports. This not only saves time and resources but also minimizes the risks associated with manual inspections in hazardous environments. As a result, industries such as construction, infrastructure, and energy have embraced this technology, leading to safer, more reliable, and cost-effective inspection processes.